New Town Kindness Сharity Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:22:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Town Kindness 32 32 The Сharitable Сalendar: Unusual Holidays and Awareness Months for Giving Baсk Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:22:01 +0000 In the world of philanthropy, every day presents an opportunity to make a differenсe. While well-known holidays like Сhristmas and…

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In the world of philanthropy, every day presents an opportunity to make a differenсe. While well-known holidays like Сhristmas and Thanksgiving often take сenter stage in сharitable giving сampaigns, there are сountless other oссasions throughout the year that provide unique opportunities for individuals and organizations to give baсk to their сommunities and support important сauses. From quirky holidays сelebrating everything from animals to obsсure hobbies, to awareness months dediсated to raising awareness for pressing soсial issues, the сharitable сalendar is brimming with opportunities for generosity, сompassion, and soсial impaсt.

January: National Blood Donor Month

The start of the year kiсks off with National Blood Donor Month, a time to raise awareness about the importanсe of donating blood and to enсourage individuals to roll up their sleeves and give the gift of life. Blood donations are сritiсal for saving lives in emergenсies, treating mediсal сonditions, and supporting patients undergoing surgeries or сanсer treatments. Throughout January, blood banks and donation сenters host drives and events to reсruit new donors and thank existing ones for their life-saving сontributions.

February: Random Aсts of Kindness Day (February 17th)

February brings Random Aсts of Kindness Day, a day dediсated to spreading kindness and сompassion through small, unexpeсted gestures. From paying for a stranger’s сoffee to volunteering at a loсal shelter, individuals are enсouraged to perform aсts of kindness that brighten someone’s day and promote positivity in their сommunities. Random Aсts of Kindness Day serves as a reminder that even the smallest aсts of generosity сan have a ripple effeсt, spreading joy and goodwill to those in need.

Marсh: National Women’s History Month

Marсh is National Women’s History Month, a time to сelebrate the сontributions and aсhievements of women throughout history and to advoсate for gender equality and women’s rights. During this month, organizations and nonprofits often foсus on issues suсh as women’s health, eсonomiс empowerment, and gender-based violenсe, raising awareness and funds to support programs and initiatives that uplift and empower women and girls around the world.

April: National Volunteer Month

April is National Volunteer Month, a time to reсognize and сelebrate the invaluable сontributions of volunteers to their сommunities and organizations. From serving meals at soup kitсhens to tutoring students in underserved neighborhoods, volunteers play a vital role in addressing soсial сhallenges and building stronger, more resilient сommunities. Throughout April, volunteer organizations host events, projeсts, and reсognition сeremonies to honor volunteers and enсourage others to get involved in serviсe.

May: Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about mental health issues and reduсe the stigma surrounding mental illness. Organizations and nonprofits dediсated to mental health advoсaсy use this month to promote eduсation, outreaсh, and support serviсes for individuals and families affeсted by mental health сonditions. From fundraising walks to сommunity forums, Mental Health Awareness Month provides opportunities for individuals to learn, сonneсt, and support eaсh other in their mental health journeys.

June: Pride Month

June is Pride Month, a time to сelebrate and advoсate for the LGBTQ+ сommunity and promote equality, aссeptanсe, and inсlusion for all. During Pride Month, organizations and nonprofits host pride parades, festivals, and events to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ rights and support LGBTQ+-affirming programs and serviсes. From fundraising galas to eduсational workshops, Pride Month offers opportunities for individuals and allies to show their support and solidarity with the LGBTQ+ сommunity.

July: Plastiс-Free July

July is Plastiс-Free July, a global movement to raise awareness about the environmental impaсt of single-use plastiсs and enсourage individuals to reduсe their plastiс сonsumption. Throughout the month, individuals and organizations partiсipate in plastiс-free сhallenges, beaсh сleanups, and advoсaсy сampaigns to promote sustainable alternatives to plastiс and proteсt the planet’s oсeans and wildlife. Plastiс-Free July serves as a reminder of the importanсe of environmental stewardship and сolleсtive aсtion in addressing plastiс pollution.

August: International Day of Сharity (September 5th)

August marks the сountdown to the International Day of Сharity, observed annually on September 5th. This day honors the legaсy of Mother Teresa and reсognizes the сontributions of сharitable organizations and individuals to humanitarian сauses worldwide. Leading up to the International Day of Сharity, organizations and nonprofits launсh fundraising сampaigns, volunteer initiatives, and awareness-raising events to mobilize support and resourсes for their missions.

September: Hunger Aсtion Month

September is Hunger Aсtion Month, a nationwide сampaign to raise awareness about food inseсurity and mobilize efforts to end hunger in loсal сommunities. Throughout the month, food banks, nonprofits, and advoсaсy organizations organize events suсh as food drives, meal paсking events, and hunger walks to support individuals and families faсing hunger and food inseсurity. Hunger Aсtion Month provides opportunities for individuals to learn about the root сauses of hunger and take aсtion to address this сritiсal issue.

Oсtober: Breast Сanсer Awareness Month

Oсtober is Breast Сanсer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about breast сanсer prevention, early deteсtion, and treatment. Organizations and nonprofits dediсated to breast сanсer advoсaсy use this month to eduсate the publiс about breast health, provide support to individuals and families affeсted by breast сanсer, and raise funds for researсh and treatment programs. From fundraising walks to eduсational seminars, Breast Сanсer Awareness Month empowers individuals to take сharge of their breast health and support the fight against breast сanсer.

November: National Philanthropy Day (November 15th)

November brings National Philanthropy Day, a day to сelebrate and reсognize the impaсt of philanthropy on individuals, сommunities, and soсiety as a whole. On this day, nonprofits, foundations, and сharitable organizations honor donors, volunteers, and supporters who have made signifiсant сontributions to their сauses. National Philanthropy Day serves as a reminder of the importanсe of giving baсk and the power of generosity to сreate positive сhange in the world.

Deсember: Giving Tuesday (First Tuesday After Thanksgiving)

Deсember kiсks off with Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity and giving baсk. Following the сonsumer-driven shopping days of Blaсk Friday and Сyber Monday, Giving Tuesday enсourages individuals and organizations to donate to сharitable сauses, volunteer their time, and spread kindness and сompassion in their сommunities. From fundraising drives to volunteer projeсts to soсial media сampaigns, Giving Tuesday inspires millions of people around the world to сome together and make a differenсe in the lives of others.


The сharitable сalendar is filled with opportunities for individuals and organizations to give baсk, raise awareness, and support important сauses throughout the year. From quirky holidays to awareness months dediсated to pressing soсial issues, there are сountless ways to make a differenсe and сreate positive сhange in сommunities around the world. By embraсing these oссasions for giving, individuals сan harness the power of сompassion, generosity, and soсial impaсt to make the world a better plaсe for all.

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The best ways to raise money for charities Wed, 17 May 2023 13:26:08 +0000 Philanthropy is assistance that can be needed by individuals or entire organizations. It is given voluntarily and free of charge…

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Philanthropy is assistance that can be needed by individuals or entire organizations. It is given voluntarily and free of charge in any available way. It can be the provision of material assistance, money, property gift, performance of certain works or services, as well as other types of support that are available. Charity is an integral part of developed countries, where people think about their future, the world that will go to their children, future generations, and show mercy.

Types of charitable actions

People of different professions and faiths may need help. Charity is done both financially and in other ways. So, it is possible to provide psychological gratuitous assistance, medical assistance and others. The main types of assistance in difficult circumstances in life are:

  • Monetary support. The most popular form of charity, which is expressed in a one-time or monthly donation. People can provide targeted assistance by transferring money to one or another person in need. For example, a frequent case, fundraising for a child in need of expensive surgery;
  • Assistance in the form of things. Here in the form of donations are food, clothing, equipment, household items. Thus, it is customary to give toys to boarding schools and orphanages;
  • Volunteering and volunteer work. People carry out gratuitous and voluntary activities aimed at supporting the development of this or that branch, help people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Volunteering is free work for those who wish to help those in acute need. It can be low-income strata of society, lonely old people, disabled people, homeless animals. This category includes monuments of architectural and natural heritage, which should be preserved for future generations;
  • Other types of charitable actions. Helping others can be done in whole campaigns. Sponsorship or patronage may be used for this purpose. Philanthropy is also widespread. Its purpose is to help exclusively people who are in need due to their circumstances.

The best ways to raise funds for charitable organizations

There are some of the most reliable and proven methods of fundraising for charitable organizations:

  • Organizing charity events and fundraisers. You can organize a festival, concert, show, marathon, fair, or sporting event. All of these events are paid for by future fundraising investments. It is not uncommon to find closed forms of organizational events where strictly defined individuals are present, the so-called VIP category. The cost of participation in them is very high, so a significant amount of money goes to the charities;
  • Use of online fundraising platforms. Various mailing lists will help to inform the population about this or that situation and to attract the not indifferent to help. Mailings can be “blind” or “targeted”. The first option is aimed at attracting the attention of the target audience without focusing on it. And the address variant of informing is more suitable in work with permanent benefactors;
  • Collecting support from corporations and companies. To enlist the help of companies means to make a donation under this or that program. It can also be an action of this or that foundation. They can act as both organizers and executors of the mission entrusted to them. For example, they hold promotions and raffles to raise the right amount of money or provide targeted assistance to wards.

How to help others

Philanthropy plays an invaluable role in our lives and is seen in many places. It is possible to help others by making a targeted assistance by calling or texting, transferring things to charity for those in need, techniques, equipment, belongings, food and other supplies.

Volunteering and sponsorship on an advertising partnership basis is widespread. Also, many donate blood to people in need who are in emergency situations and are on the brink of life and death. If you have skills in word processing, photography, embroidery, or sewing, you can put your talent to work helping those who might benefit.

Many local and national charitable organizations need specialists in different fields. But they don’t have enough money to hire an employee. You can meet this need by contributing your skills, talents, and abilities rather than financial resources.

In helping others, it is important to be able to give away things you no longer need. But they must be in good condition. Shoes, toys, furniture, appliances – also a great help for those to whom these attributes are vital. You can get a special card for charity. With it for certain purchases will be written off this or that percentage in favor of your chosen organization.

Gratitude can also be expressed without material basis. This can be psychological, moral or other form of support in certain circumstances. Look at which area you are closest to and use it in your philanthropic actions.

In today’s difficult times it is important to be able to support people in need, to find ways to help each other to solve both material and non-material problems. To do this, you must know that there are all sorts of ways to support and help, which can be useful in certain conditions and circumstances. Only in this way can humanity be preserved and the development of a strong, integral society, which can be confident in the future and raise its offspring without worrying about tomorrow, becomes possible.

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How can gaming contribute to charity? Wed, 17 May 2023 13:16:46 +0000 Charity is an opportunity to help those in need by using the material resources of both the initiators of the…

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Charity is an opportunity to help those in need by using the material resources of both the initiators of the project and the interested audience. As digital technology improves, it becomes possible to make contributions remotely. Material aid can change the lives of those in need, provide opportunities for education, employment, and medical treatment. There are many organizations online working to raise funds – donations.

Streaming Games

Twitch and YouTube are used for streaming – live broadcasting. The author launches a broadcast of the gameplay in online or single-player game mode. The blogger’s stream can be promoted on the start page with a hashtag about the fundraiser in progress.

Content creators of all kinds can raise funds – various game genres. The number of regular viewers of the streamer will affect the total amount of donations. Also the author of the content is obligatory to report: publish a screenshot or a check of the transfer of funds to the account of the organization or individual.

Peculiarities of broadcasting on Twitch, YouTube:

  • Purpose of collection. The purpose of the charity fundraiser is stated. Often a text explanation is displayed at the top of the stream, as well as a scale – donate “goal” or goal. As donations are made, the scale gradually fills up;
  • Interaction with the audience. Live broadcast game is complemented by a chat – the ability to communicate with the audience. This will allow viewers to get information, which concerns the objectives of the collection, the charity;
  • Ways to donate. Several methods of donating are supported on the Twitch platform. Viewers can subscribe to the channel for a fixed price, send Bits. The streamer will then calculate the amount of money and send it to the organization’s account.

To understand why there is a need for charity on a streaming platform, you need to consider the total number of daily visitors – viewers. Such events are held not only by game streamers, but also by authors of unique content: DJs, artists. Gambling authors can also launch fundraisers. Online casinos are interested in an effective PR campaign, and the proceeds are guaranteed to be given to those in need.

Charity programs

Ranked game developers, as well as publisher representatives, work on organizing charity fundraisers. They announce such events on social networks, in messengers, via Steam and Epic Games Store.

An example of such a collection can be the addition of an in-game purchase feature. The user in online mode purchases a certain cosmetic item, and the proceeds are added to the general fund. More often than not, transactions are made using internal currency.

Virtual Items and Value

In various disciplines, including Dota 2, CS:GO, virtual items remain popular. Such items often individualize the appearance of the character or weapon used.

The organizers of a fundraiser announce the start of the event. Virtual objects are accepted as donations. The value of many such items reaches several thousand rubles. Valuable items can be sold for hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Interested players send items by exchange – if Steam is used. With the completion of the event, collection managers work on the actual sale of items, receiving real money for it.

Charitable video game tournaments

Cybersports disciplines continue to evolve. Several tournaments are held every month, and such events feature prize pools of tens, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some events gather up to a million spectators.

The goals of the individual tournaments set the charity fee. The advantages of this method of raising money are:

  • Foundation. The entire amount of the prize fund can be given to an organization. Contestants, in turn, agree to compete on a voluntary basis;
  • Raising money from spectators. Organizers announce fundraising through a streaming platform;
  • Popularization. The information is spread among several hundred thousand people that a certain person or foundation is in need of financial help.

Philanthropy is the organization of helping people in need of medical treatment, financial injections. Tournaments remain the most effective way to raise money.


It is important to popularize such fundraising channels by using streaming and video publishing platforms. You should participate in events by sending donations of money as well as virtual items.

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What Happens to Charitable Giving When the Economy Falters? | COVID Economic Side Effects Mon, 20 Mar 2023 15:31:31 +0000 During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans gave more money to charities than ever. They also gave more money to charities in…

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans gave more money to charities than ever. They also gave more money to charities in the last two years than ever before.

But inflation is hurting Americans’ finances and their ability to give. Everything in the US now costs 12% more compared to pre-pandemic prices. It’s not that charity donations are worth less than they used to be. But there may not be as many of them because of the recession. The budgets of Americans have tightened, which has changed how they spend and give.

If recent events make people less likely to give, it will end a short but essential rise. A recent report says that the amount donors gave in 2021, $485 billion, was a record. But when the amount shown in 2020 is adjusted for inflation, it still comes out on top at $488 billion.

But no matter what charity will always remain and prevail, we reach out Nick Wilson, owner of AdvanceSOS in California, whose been always trying to help other people and also been involved in vast majority of open charity organizations. He insured us that even if economy will face another major drop this will not effect charitable organizations.

As things get more complicated, nonprofits can learn from a few critical trends. One such trend is the possible rise in the number of people who volunteer instead of cutting checks.

1. Giving in Kind Is on the Rise

The age of the people who give money to a nonprofit may affect the kind of help it gets. Younger Americans are more likely to say they did something in the last year. But older Americans who are better off are more likely to have written checks.

For example, 49% of adults aged 44 and younger volunteered in the past year, while only 31% of those older than them did. The younger group also went to more fundraisers, rallies, and other supporting events. 

More than a lack of extra income, this could signify the type of activism the younger generation will prefer as they get older. Most people younger than 35 (53%) said they volunteered in the last year. This includes more than a third (35%) of those who made less than $50,000 that year. This suggests that the preference for in-kind contributions may have to do with more than the respondents’ means.

2. Differing Support from Different Donor Bases

Men were more likely to give to community development, disaster relief, and the military. This was true for all types of charitable support. Meanwhile, women were more likely to have given money to religious and animal welfare groups.

There are also different reasons why they give. Men were likelier to say they gave to charity in the past year because they wanted to help a cause. Meanwhile, women were more likely to say they did it to support a specific group. Women were more likely to say they did it because they wanted to give back or because it felt right.

Charities that help people did much better with people over 45 than those under 45. This is especially true regarding the amount of money they gave (33% of those over 45 gave money, while only 16% of those under 45 did).

Younger Americans gave more to educational charities (28%) than older Americans (15%). This may be because they were in school more recently. More than 2x as many parents with children under 18 said they had given money to educational causes.

Wrapping It All Up

Economic crises such as COVID-19 redefine charitable giving for better or worse. In the case of the pandemic, in-kind giving rose to the occasion as people’s finances were crippled. But almost simultaneously, people’s passion for helping woke up in light of things around them. So instead of offering cash, many dedicated more time and physical effort.

The intensification of preference-based activities has also affected charitable giving more than ever. As women found more empowerment, their involvement as donors also changed. Their influence in defining what causes receive funding has increased. So is a strong strategy for nonprofits to look into this phenomenon. Such is because it will guide them in securing support from a suitable donor base given their causes.

The future is still vital for charitable giving in 2023. People believe in causes – human rights advocacy and environmentalism are rising. Not everyone might have the cash to spare, but they want to help. It’s up to nonprofits what to do with the passions of could-be-donors. It’s about being flexible about the type of help and who to ask for support for 2023.

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Foundation vs. Charity vs. Nonprofit: What’s the Difference? Wed, 18 Jan 2023 11:40:33 +0000 Fundamentally, the three terms – Charity, Foundation and Nonprofit – are quite similar and often used interchangeably. Charities in particular…

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Fundamentally, the three terms – Charity, Foundation and Nonprofit – are quite similar and often used interchangeably. Charities in particular rely on donations to fund their work and typically focus on supporting a specific cause or sector of society. Foundations are formed with an endowment from an individual or organization, which is then invested to generate income that can be used for charitable activities. Nonprofits may also receive donations, but they operate more like a business in that they generate revenue by providing services.

Regardless of terminology, all three types of organizations strive to make positive change in the world. Whether it’s through direct service provision or research grants to further knowledge in a field, these organizations fill critical gaps in our society. Bill Gates, for example, has built a massive philanthropy empire through charitable foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This organization works to improve global health and educational opportunities throughout the world.

Ultimately, Charity, Foundation and Nonprofit all have their own distinct features while also having the common goal of making the world a better place. Thus, each type of organization provides its own unique contribution to society and should be given due respect for their valuable work.

No matter which term you use – Charity, Foundation or Nonprofit – these organizations are essential for creating positive change in our world. By supporting them with donations or volunteering your time when possible, you can help ensure that these important initiatives remain successful for years to come.

Foundation: definition, key features, and purpose

A foundation is a non-profit organization that has been created for charitable purposes. It is typically set up to support particular public, educational or religious interests, and can be supported by private individuals, organizations or corporations. The purpose of a foundation is to provide long-term financial stability for the cause it was established to support.

Foundations are distinct from other charities because they have the ability to receive tax deductible contributions and grants as well as providing financial security through an endowment fund which invests in low risk investments with steady returns. This makes them ideal for achieving longevity and sustainability within their chosen area of work.

Foundations play an important role in society by supporting causes that may not receive the same level of attention or recognition as those supported by other charities. Examples of foundations include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which focuses on improving global health and providing educational opportunities around the world, and The Ford Foundation which is dedicated to promoting economic opportunity and reducing poverty.

By investing resources over long periods of time and taking a proactive approach to social issues, foundations provide invaluable support for causes that may otherwise be neglected or overlooked. As such, they can have a tremendous impact on the communities and causes they are committed to. Overall, foundations are an important part of the charitable sector that offer stability and sustainability to many social issues and causes.

Through their unique ability to receive donations and grants, they can ensure that these causes remain supported for years to come. Through the efforts of foundations like The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Ford Foundation, society is able to make a positive difference in the world.

Charity and its aspects

Charity is an act of giving money, goods, or services to those in need. It can also be a voluntary act of kindness and assistance to people who are not directly related to the giver. Charity is often seen as a generosity towards society since it has a positive effect on both the recipient and the giver. Charity has been around for centuries, with records showing charitable acts by ancient Greeks and Romans. The key features of charity include selflessness, empathy, compassion, responsibility, and respect for human dignity. Charity should always be done out of genuine love for one’s fellow man or woman – never out of obligation or as an exchange for something else. Charitable organizations have become increasingly important as they provide resources and support to those in need, enabling them to lead more meaningful lives. The purpose of charity is to alleviate suffering, promote justice and peace, and build a more tolerant society. Charity plays an important role in addressing inequality, poverty and other global issues. It can also be used as a tool for social change – helping individuals gain access to better education or health care services that they would not otherwise have. Charity is often seen as a way to bring people closer together as it encourages empathy and understanding between different cultures and societies.

Nonprofits: characterization and classification

Nonprofits are organizations that operate with the aim of providing a public or community benefit, rather than for-profit gain. This can include social services, educational activities, environmental protection initiatives, and other philanthropic efforts. Nonprofits are distinct from traditional businesses in that their primary purpose is to serve the public good, rather than generating profits for shareholders or owners. Key features of nonprofits include their reliance on private donations and grants, their legal status as tax-exempt entities, and the lack of financial incentives for those who serve in leadership capacities.

The purpose of a nonprofit organization is to improve society by providing services or advocating for change through awareness campaigns, research projects, or other initiatives. Nonprofits can have a tremendous impact on the communities they serve, helping to address needs that are not being met by government or other organizations. By mobilizing resources and leveraging their networks, nonprofits can be powerful agents of positive change and progress. The important role nonprofits play in society should not be underestimated, and the potential of these organizations to create meaningful change is immense.


In conclusion, foundations, charities and nonprofits are very different entities that serve different purposes. While all three can be used to support charitable causes, each has its own unique mission, structure and processes. It is important for potential donors to understand the differences between foundations, charities and nonprofits in order to make an informed decision about which organization to support.

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The Complete Guide to Charitable Foundations, How They Work & What You Need to Know for A Successful Grant Application Wed, 19 Oct 2022 08:49:37 +0000 Most people don’t know how the process of applying for a grant works, and it’s not difficult to see why.…

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Most people don’t know how the process of applying for a grant works, and it’s not difficult to see why. There are many different types of grants, and each one is often confusing to the average person. This article will help you understand what a charitable foundation is, how they work, and what you need to know before submitting an application. What is a charitable foundation?A charitable foundation is an organization that directs a portion of its resources to grants for individual or collective purposes. They’re often set up by individuals who make large contributions. These grants are then given out, in most cases, to different organizations in the same field.Most charitable foundations focus on one area of philanthropy, such as education or health care. Charitable foundations also exist in many fields that you wouldn’t normally associate with them: religion , education, health.Many charitable foundations are modeled after the principle of philanthropy as a common good. This means that the foundation’s purpose is not to make money for its own sake but to serve society, often in conjunction with other charitable organizations and donors.

1. What are the Different Types of Charity Foundations?

Charities are nonprofit organizations that aim at helping people in need. They can be classified into different types based on the purpose they serve and the way they are funded.

The most common type of charity is a public charity, which is defined as an entity that receives tax-deductible contributions and distributes them to eligible recipients.

There are many different types of charities, such as:

  • Charitable nonprofits
  • Charitable foundations
  • Charitable trusts
  • Charitable companies

2. How Charitable Foundations Raise Funds and Grant Money

Charitable foundations raise funds and grant money to charitable organizations. They do this by engaging with donors, soliciting donations, and administering the funds. As philanthropy evolves, new models for giving are emerging. Charitable foundations have been around for centuries but recently, a new type of foundation has emerged – a mission-driven foundation that has a specific purpose or mission in mind. to support. Mission-driven foundations have some similarities with charitable foundations but they are different in many aspects. Mission-driven foundations are led by a board of directors who oversee their mission and function as the primary advocate for the organization’s progress. Mission-driven foundations focus on investing in programs and grant making that advance their mission.Mission-driven foundations tend to be smaller than charitable foundations which often use endowment funds to generate income for sustainable operations over long periods of time. Foundations are not required to disclose their mission statements. However, most foundations have a mission statement which outlines the goals of the institution.

3. How to Apply for a Grant if You’re a Nonprofit Leader

If you’re a nonprofit leader, you may be wondering how to apply for a grant if you don’t have the resources to do so. In this article, we’ll discuss how to apply for grants and the steps involved in doing so.

A grant is money given by an outside source that has been designated for a certain purpose. Grants are usually awarded by organizations or entities like government agencies, companies, or private foundations. The recipient of the grant is usually required to provide some type of service in return for receiving the funds. Grants can be used for anything from research and development to providing relief during natural disasters.

The first step in applying for a grant is finding out what types of grants are available and what they cover. A list of types of grants available at your local government website can help you find out if there’s something that fits your needs and will make it easier to search through online listings as well as local listings from organizations that may offer grants in your area. Grants that cover home repairs, home furnishings, education, and training are common.Local listings from organizations that may offer grants in your area include the city or county government office, local school boards and colleges, hospitals and nonprofits. An easy way to find these listings is to search the Internet for government agencies, school boards and local nonprofits in your area. As you locate an organization that provides grants and you know it could help, write down the contact information.

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The Most Popular Charitable Foundations for Custom Essay Writing Wed, 19 Oct 2022 08:45:57 +0000 If you’re looking for a way to give back and make a difference in the world, then consider donating to…

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If you’re looking for a way to give back and make a difference in the world, then consider donating to one of the many popular charitable foundations that support custom essay writing. These organizations are committed to providing high-quality education resources for students of all ages, as well as promoting literacy and academic excellence around the world. Some of the top charitable foundations for custom essay writing include the following:

  1. The National Writing Project (NWP) is one of the largest and most well-respected organizations in the field of educational enrichment. Through partnerships with schools, colleges, universities, and community groups, NWP helps educators foster critical thinking and lifelong learning skills in their students.
  2. The OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCW) is another popular nonprofit organization that promotes open educational resources for students of all ages and academic levels. OCW provides free online access to lectures, course materials, assignments, and other learning resources from hundreds of colleges and universities around the world.
  3. The Young Writers Program is dedicated to helping young people develop their writing skills and cultivate their unique voices. This organization offers a variety of educational resources, including mentoring opportunities, scholarships, and summer camps for students from low-income communities.

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Pros and Cons of Custom Essay Writing Services for Charitable Foundations

There has been a growing trend in recent years of charitable foundations seeking out custom essay writing services to help them better manage their fundraising efforts. While there are some advantages to this approach, such as increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness, there are also several potential drawbacks that must be considered.

One of the main benefits of using a custom essay writing service for charitable foundations is the ability to quickly and effectively manage large volumes of data. These services typically have specialized software that can help you sort through donor information, target potential donors, and create effective fundraising campaigns. This can be essential for organizations that rely heavily on donations from individual supporters and need to ensure that their efforts are being targeted in the most effective way possible.

Another major benefit of these services is their cost-effectiveness. When you hire a custom essay writing service, you are essentially outsourcing the fundraising efforts that are required to keep your organization running. This can not only save money in the long run, but it also frees up staff time that can be better spent on other important tasks, such as managing donor relations or engaging in other fundraising activities.

Despite these benefits, there are also some potential downsides to consider when using a custom essay writing service for charitable foundations. For one thing, you may lose some of the personal connection that is often associated with giving. When supporters donate money directly to your organization, they are often doing so out of a sense of personal connection and commitment to your cause. By outsourcing this responsibility to a third party, you run the risk of losing some of that personal engagement.

In addition, there may be concerns over data security when working with these services.

The History of Custom Essay Writing for Charitable Foundations

Custom essay writing is a specialized niche that has been around for many years, offering support and assistance to charitable organizations in need. Whether you are looking to raise money for a local cause or help out a non-profit organization on a larger scale, custom essay writing services can provide everything you need to get your message heard.

With the rise of the Internet and social media, there are now many more ways to reach out to potential donors and supporters. Whether you are working on an online campaign or creating printed materials for distribution, custom essay writing services can help you put together compelling content that engages your audience and inspires them to take action.

At Custom Essay Writing, we have a team of talented writers who have expertise in a variety of topics and subject areas. Our custom essay writing services can help you develop compelling content that encourages people to get involved and support your cause. So if you are looking for an effective way to raise funds or awareness for your charitable organization, look no further than Custom Essay Writing.

7 Ways to Find a Charitable Foundation for Your Custom Essay

Whether you are looking to start a charitable foundation or support an existing one, there are many ways to find the right organization for your needs. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Look for well-established organizations that specialize in your area of interest. These foundations may have a strong track record of success, as well as the resources and networks necessary to support your goals.
  2. Consider working with local foundations or charities, especially if you have a particular cause that is close to your heart. These organizations may be able to connect you with like-minded individuals in your community and help you make an impact on issues that are important to you.
  3. Research different foundations and evaluate their impact on the issues that matter most to you. This can help you find a foundation that aligns with your values and priorities, as well as one that is likely to make a real difference in the lives of people in need.
  4. Talk to other donors or philanthropists who have worked with foundations in the past. This can give you a better understanding of which organizations are reputable and effective, as well as how to get involved in their work.
  5. Take advantage of online resources that make it easy to find philanthropic organizations. For example, many websites and directories list different foundations by topic or cause, allowing you to easily find organizations that are a good fit for your interests.
  6. Attend fundraising events and conferences to learn more about how philanthropic foundations operate. This can help you form relationships with like-minded individuals as well as gain valuable insight into the work of various charities and nonprofits.
  7. Consider partnering with other donors, whether online or in person, to pool your resources and make a bigger impact. For example, you may be able to join forces with other philanthropists who are passionate about the same cause as you in order to raise funds more efficiently and effectively.


Remember that it is never too early or too late to start supporting charitable foundations. Whether you are just starting out or have been donating for many years, there are always new ways to get involved and make a difference in the lives of others. With the right foundation and commitment, you can start making a positive impact today.

The post The Most Popular Charitable Foundations for Custom Essay Writing appeared first on New Town Kindness.

Stay Casino Australia Works with New Town Kindness as Part of a Corporate Charity Program Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:48:59 +0000 We are pleased to announce that we will be partnering with Stay Casino in a corporate charity program. While donating…

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We are pleased to announce that we will be partnering with Stay Casino in a corporate charity program. While donating a couple of dollars to a nearby homeless shelter makes one feel great and have some sense of self-worth, we believe that a well-executed corporate charity program can have long-term effects on a company.

Reading more you will learn about several advantages of charity work for businesses.

Charity Work Enhances a Business’s Brand

According to a recent study, millennials are 70% more likely to buy products or services from a brand that supports charitable causes. Another study showed if, given an opportunity to choose between two companies that offer services or products at the same price, 82% of the buyers’ choice would be significantly influenced by whether either of the companies is philanthropic.

These two studies are evidence of how charity work can have a significant positive impact on a company’s brand. For starters, a business engaging in a charity program as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) presents itself as being ethical and reliable.

Charity programs also increase purchases. Typically, buyers are more likely to purchase from charitable businesses because it makes them feel good about themselves. By buying a product or service from a company that is involved in charity work, they know they are part of a bigger cause. This, in turn, not increases the business’s sales but also enhances its brand.

What’s more, a company that is involved in charity work gives them an edge over other companies, enhancing its brand.

Taking part in a charitable cause as a business also increases customer loyalty, boosting its brand. Buyers will not only keep buying from a company with a charity program, but they will also vouch for the business and recommend it to other purchasers.

Boosts Morale In Employees

Charity work also significantly boosts the morale of employees, which in turn, has a positive impact on the business. For starters, getting involved in a charitable cause enhances the employees’ self-esteem. The feeling of being part of something bigger that will make a positive impact on other people’s lives increases one’s self-esteem.

Getting involved in charity programs as a company also gives an opportunity for employees to showcase their talents that they didn’t get a chance to showcase in the company setting. This also can have a significant positive impact on their self-esteem, which in turn, boosts their morale.

What’s more, charity work also increases employees’ respect and attachment to their employer. Employees are more likely to have respect for employers who are philanthropic.

Charitable Programs Also Enhances Collaboration Among Employees

Charity work also enhances collaboration among employees. When a company’s team gets involved in a charitable cause, it encourages them to come together and work towards making a positive impact on the community. It also allows them to get to know each in a way they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Charity Work Increases a Company’s Reach to a Wider Audience

As we mentioned earlier, buyers are more attracted to a business involved in charity work. When a company gets involved in a charity program, it puts its name out there, increasing its marketing reach.

Charity work also increases a business’s likelihood of getting investors. Many investors are more likely to invest in companies that take part in charitable events.

Charity Programs Enhances Networking

Another significant advantage of getting involved in charitable programs as a business is that it enhances networking. Many companies are participating in charity work as part of their corporate social responsibility. So, charitable events enable businesses to meet and interact, leading to collaboration and partnerships.

Public figures like celebrities and well-known investors also get involved in charitable causes. Therefore, when a business takes part in charity work, it gets an opportunity to meet with these reputable figures who may become positive influences on the company.

It also enables companies to form long-lasting relationships with the charities they support. This can also have a significant positive impact on their brands.

It Enables Businesses to Attract And Retain Employees

Several studies have shown that job applicants, especially millennials, are more likely to apply for job positions in companies that are involved in charity work.

So, your charitable programs can make your business more appealing to potential employees. As we explained earlier, charity work promotes employee morale and a positive work environment in your company, making them satisfied and happy to work for your business.

Companies Can Qualify for Tax Deductions

In some countries like the United States, businesses can qualify for tax deductions if they engage in charity work. However, there are specific rules and regulations that a company has to follow to qualify for a tax deduction. For instance, in the US, a business needs to support a charity that is registered as a bona fide 501© (3) organization.

While tax deduction is a benefit, it shouldn’t be the driving force for your company’s involvement in charity. Instead, get involved in charity with the aim of making an impact on the community.

It Helps Create a Better Community

The main advantage of companies getting involved in charity work is that it enables them to create a better community. While this might not have a direct positive impact on a business, the opportunity to help the community is a significant advantage.

So, how can Stay Casino participate in charitable programs? There is no right way to get involved in charity as a business, and it doesn’t necessarily have to cost a lot of money to do so.

If your business can afford to donate a huge amount of money to charity, then go for it. However, if you are a startup business or cannot afford to donate a significant amount of money, there are other ways your company can get involved in charity without spending a lot of funds.

We also advise supporting a charitable organization that aligns with your company’s brand and mission. That way, buyers and investors will see that you are working with a charity program that aligns with what you believe in as a business.

It’s also recommendable to seek opinions about which charity organizations to support from employees. In most cases, employees know about many charity programs; therefore, their ideas can come in handy.

Some of the ways businesses can get involved in charitable programs include:

  • Donating goods or services to charity organizations
  • Writing checks for charity programs
  • Volunteering as a company in charitable events
  • Giving employees time off to volunteer in charity programs.


Wrapping Up

Participating in charity work is an excellent opportunity for companies to enhance their brand and reputation while helping the community. However, as we mentioned earlier, it’s advisable to get involved in charity to make a change in society and not put your company’s benefits at the forefront.

We are excited and look forward to partnering with Safe casino in the corporate charity program as part of their corporate social responsibility. And we believe that their contribution and participation will make a significant change in the community.

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Thanks to a special $300 tax deduction, many people can participate in charitable giving this year, even if they’ve never done so before Mon, 04 Apr 2022 13:26:10 +0000 The U.S. Internal Revenue Service has reminded taxpayers of a new special provision under which even more people this year will be able to give up to $300 to donate to approved charities.

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Internal Revenue Service has reminded taxpayers of a new special provision under which even more people this year will be able to give up to $300 to donate to approved charities.

Under special tax law changes made earlier this year, cash donations of up to $300 made before Dec. 31, 2020, are now deductible when filing a tax return in 2021.

IRS Inspector Chuck Rettig: “U.S. charities are struggling to help those suffering from COVID-19, and many deserving organizations are taking advantage of any help they receive. “The IRS is recalling a new provision that provides deductions from income of up to $300 in cash donations to charities on an approved list. We urge citizens to take notice of this new provision and help tax-exempt organizations in need, people in need, and help with needed tasks.”

The Coronavirus Assistance, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed in the spring of 2019, includes several temporary tax changes to help charitable organizations. Among them is a $300 special deduction designed, in part, for individuals who prefer to use the standard deduction rather than the itemized deduction.

So far, nearly nine out of 10 taxpayers receive the standard deduction and could potentially apply for a new tax deduction. 2018 is the last tax year for which full reporting is available, and more than 134 million taxpayers applied for the standard deduction during that period, representing just over 87 percent of all filers.

Under this change, individual taxpayers can claim an “over-the-limit” deduction of up to $300 for cash donations to charity during 2020. That is, the deduction reduces both adjusted gross income and taxable income, so those who donate to organizations on the approved tax-exempt list can save on taxes.

The IRS reminds taxpayers that in order to make a donation, taxpayers can use the Special Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS) Tool (English) at to see if the organization selected is eligible to receive tax-deductible donations.

Cash donations include donations by check, credit card, or debit card. This does not include securities, household items or other property. Most charities accept cash donations, but some do not.

Donations to most charities qualify for the deduction, but donations to sponsoring organizations and donor-advised funds do not.

The IRS reminds everyone who donates to charity to keep accurate records. Under the law, special accounting rules apply to any taxpayer who applies for a charitable contribution deduction. A receipt or letter of acknowledgement from the charity must usually be obtained before filing the tax return and a paid check or credit card receipt must be retained.

In addition, the Coronavirus Relief, Benefits and Economic Security Act (CARES) includes other temporary provisions for charity assistance. These include increased limits on the amount of charitable contributions for corporations, individuals making donations, and businesses that donate food supplies to food banks and other charities on the approved list.

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Feed the Children Foundation of America Fri, 14 Jan 2022 13:05:53 +0000 Founded in 1979, Feed the Children is a nonprofit, non-governmental charitable foundation that focuses on helping children and families who have lost their homes and financial security due to war

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Founded in 1979, Feed the Children is a nonprofit, non-governmental charitable foundation that focuses on helping children and families who have lost their homes and financial security due to war, poverty, hunger, natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Since its inception, the organization has distributed more than 50,000 tons of humanitarian aid (food, clothing, basic necessities) to families living in 50 states and 23 countries around the world.

“Natural gifts” or, simply put, humanitarian aid is the main category of aid. Funds for those in need are rare: direct material aid accounts for about 20% of the organization’s total budget.

The Children’s Aid Foundation was among the top 50 largest nonprofit organizations in the United States, ranking 15th in 2013 (according to Forbes). The organization is highly regarded in the country: it has almost maximum credibility ratings in many financial structures.

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